Terms of booking.
1st Hopwas Scout Group Nursery Lane, Hopwas, B78 3AS - Scout Hut Standard Conditions of Hire.
Thank you for your interest in hiring the Scout Hut at Nursery Lane, Hopwas (the Hut). By progressing with your booking, you have accepted the following conditions, including the notes below and any other terms stated on the booking form.
Definitions HSG refers to Hopwas Scout Group, its appointed agents, officers and trustees. Hut refers to the building and grounds located at Nursery Lane, Hopwas. "Hirer" Refers to any individual or organisation entering into an agreement to rent the facilities and equipment under the control of HSG whether for use inside or outside the Hut. "The Hire" refers to the rental of the Hut, in part or whole, and its equipment.
1. Conditions apply to the use and rental of the rooms within the Hut whether stated explicitly or not.
2. The Hirer will inform HSG of the nature and purpose of the Hire and will specify as such on the Booking Form
3. The booking will not be regarded as having been taken until the deposit has been received
4. The Hirer must comply with all health and safety requirements for the Hut and as laid down in English Law, including specific guidance on the use of equipment, and should ensure that all guests are familiar with the evacuation procedures. These requirements and procedures are shown at the entrance to the Hut.
5. There is a basic First Aid kit on site for emergency use if you should need it, however, if you are undertaking specific activities which may need specific equipment, you have a responsibility to source your own provision. If you do use anything from the Kit can you please complete an accident form and notify the Booking Administrator so that items can be replaced.
6. The balance of the Hire fee must be paid in full at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the booking event, without exception. Failure to do so may result in the booking being cancelled.
7. Cancellation of a booking within 14 days of the booking event will be subject to 50% of the Hire fee being charged. Cancellations within 7 days of the booking event will forfeit the entire fee. Cancellations by HSG will be refunded in full, but this is the extent of HSG's liability.
8. HSG cannot be held responsible for any direct or consequential loss, damage or personal accident resulting from the Hire, or from the cancellation thereof, however caused. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to arrange suitable insurance cover. This must be presented to HSG on request.
9. Access is not permitted prior to the time stated on the booking form.
10. Unauthorised use of the Hut will result in a fine of up to ten times the booking fee.
11. The Hut is not licensed for public entertainment or for the sale of alcohol and must not be used for these purposes.
12. No alcohol is allowed.
13. Smoking, or the use of e-cigarettes or the like is not permitted inside or outside the Hut. If smoking in the vicinity of the Hut, please be considerate to neighbours and the environment and take your cigarette ends/empty packets, etc., home with you.
14. To ensure the safety and comfort of guests, please take note of the sizes and potential uses of the rooms. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring the rooms meet their needs.
15. No alterations or additions, temporary or permanent, can be made to the inside or outside of the Hut without prior permission. This includes mounting materials on walls.
16. There is no "on-site" parking. The Hirer is responsible for making car-parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the lane and the annoyance of our neighbours.
17. Fire exits must be kept clear at all times. Anyone using the Kitchen must take note of how to use Fire Extinguishers/Blankets.
18. As residential properties are adjacent to the Hut, noise must be kept to a minimum and music kept to an acceptable level at all times. In consideration of the neighbourhood, no loud music is to be played after 10 pm. No pets are allowed on the premises.
19. Do not overload the electrical system; it is protected by circuit breakers and will trip the system to the Hut if overloaded. If in doubt, please ask for guidance. Hirers and their guests, etc., (including external entertainers) using their own portable electrical equipment must ensure the appropriate tests on the equipment has been carried out.
20. Before leaving the Hut, Hirers should leave all rooms in a clean and tidy condition. If external caterers are used, they must comply with the same conditions and the Hirer shall be responsible for ensuring any caterers observe these requirements. Cleaning equipment is available.
21. Table and chairs must be left clean and returned to their original locations.
22. Final security is the responsible of the Hirer. Windows and Fire Exit doors must be shut, heaters, lights, sockets, etc., turned off and the front door and gate locked.
23. Unless otherwise agreed, the Hut must be vacated by 23.00.
24. A representative of HSG will return any bond within 7 days from the time of inspection or a deduction (up to 100% of the bond, or a fine for the total cost of any repairs in respect of HSG) will be made towards the cost of any cleaning or repairs required as a result of the Hire, or failure to comply with these terms and conditions. The decision of HSG will be final and not open to appeal for any reason.
25. Nothing contained in these terms and conditions, etc., shall imply or warrant that the Hut may lawfully be used for the purpose intended by the Hirer. The Hirer shall be responsible for obtaining any approvals and licences in connection with the Hire and shall comply with all conditions attached to such approvals or licences.
26. HSG reserves the right to amend the conditions of Hire, guidance notes and booking fees at any time. Unless otherwise stated in Special Conditions overleaf, keys are to be collected from and returned to Booking secretary Email: firsthopwasscoutsbookings@gmail.com Failure to return the keys within the agreed timescale will result in loss of deposit.
Payment must be made in advance of the hiring to the above. Cheques to be made payable to 1st Hopwas Scout Committee.